- Overview
-It is common to have dental problems for anyone or anybody, so it's very essential to protect your teeth from these problems.
-In common words, toothache is nothing but the pain or inflammation in tooth or around it and is mainly caused by tooth decay or infection.
-You may have different symptoms during toothache, but the remedies are not different. They are same and are very useful during such conditions.
-It can have various causes which aren't due to underlying disease, these are curable at home and are sometimes require attention of medical professional.
-For remedies, cures and many more interesting information read the following article.
1) Sharp tooth pain : This type of tooth pain is common and is not that much harmful. This pain is light as compared to dull tooth pain. This remains for a short period of time and is easily curable. We can experience this type of pain while chewing or talking.
2) Dull tooth pain : This type of tooth pain is worse and can happen to anyone. This is worse than the sharp tooth pain and is experienced by the people consuming lot of hot food or drinking hot juices or liquids. This pain starts slowly in early stages and remains for very long time.
There are many causes which are responsible for the toothache. These may include:
-Some of those tips are given below:
- There are mainly two types of tooth ache
1) Sharp tooth pain : This type of tooth pain is common and is not that much harmful. This pain is light as compared to dull tooth pain. This remains for a short period of time and is easily curable. We can experience this type of pain while chewing or talking.
2) Dull tooth pain : This type of tooth pain is worse and can happen to anyone. This is worse than the sharp tooth pain and is experienced by the people consuming lot of hot food or drinking hot juices or liquids. This pain starts slowly in early stages and remains for very long time.
- Causes of toothache
There are many causes which are responsible for the toothache. These may include:
- Cavities
- Inflammation of pulp present in teeth
- Tooth enamel erosion
- Grinding of the teeth
- Bruxism
- Angina
- Sinus pressure
- Some type of mandibular disorder
- Periodontitis
This doesn't mean that every given situation may be the cause. Some of the given condition may be responsible for your toothache. So it is better to be recognize the cause earlier, which may also help in the proper and early treatment and may help in reducing the further complications.
- Home remedies to reduce toothache
-Some of those tips are given below:
- Clove Oil - Clove oil is very effective against toothache, so when asked, everybody suggest about this for treatment of tooth ache. Just put on some drops of clove oil on cotton ball and apply it on the affected or paining area. Keep it for 2-3 mins, and repeat it after 2-3 hours for its proper effect.
- Ginger-Cayenne Paste - If the paste is made by mixing ginger and red chili (cayenne), it is highly effective against the toothache. If applied on the affected area, it will provide you high relief. The paste is easy to make at home. Just mix the both ingredients in same quantity and add water in it. Mix it well and apply it on teeth with the help of the cotton.You can apply these, individually also.
- Hydrogen Peroxide - If you are having teeth pain then you must use hydrogen peroxide to cure it. Because it is the most effective and mostly used way nowadays. You just have to keep 3% of hydrogen peroxide in mouth for sometime. After sometime just remove it and wash your mouth with water.
- Ice - Ice is also a good way to get rid of tooth pain. Just fill a plastic bag with ice cubes and wrap it with a clean cloth. You can massage your affected area with these ice cubes bag. Keep it for 15-20 minutes on your teeth or on your cheek for its good effect.
- Garlic - Garlic is also a prime source to get rid of tooth pain and it is also widely used for its effect against tooth ache. Garlic is the main source of allicin, which is a natural anti-bacterial agent and helps to kill the bacteria present in our mouth, which may be the cause of toothache and cavity. So by chewing garlic will help you to kill bacteria and also the pain present in your mouth.
- Onion - Onion is also the main source of the antibacterial fluids, which kills the bacteria present in the mouth,which are the result of the toothache and cavity or any other tooth related problem. This fluid, which works on bacteria, is also effective against the tooth pain. It helps to cool down the pain present in the mouth. It is good to consume the onion directly without cooking, for it's natural effect. It is also helpful, in another ways, to our body.
- Turmeric powder - As we know, turmeric is also a good ancient natural medicine for most of the diseases. We should always use natural ways to get results quickly, because they are having good feedback. You must apply the turmeric powder to the affected area. You can also prepare the paste by mixing water or honey to the powder and can apply it on the affected area with the help of the cotton or your finger tip.
- Salted water - Salted water is highly effective against the mouth or oral problems. Nowadays, it is highly suggested by doctors or dentists to get rid of oral problems. Because salted water plays the main role to kill the bacteria present in mouth. It is also the main source of sodium, which copes with mouth odour. You just have to gargle with salt water after your meal. It is suggested to do it after meal because it also helps to remove the remaining food particle from your mouth.
- Peppermint tea - Peppermint is also considered as a natural medicine for many diseases or infections. It also plays prime role to remove your toothache with its natural disinfectant effects. It is said that peppermint is very effective against toothache, so most of the doctors also suggest to take it in the form of tea or by simply mixing it in regular tea.It is easy to make peppermint tea. You just have to boil some peppermint leaves in water for 20-25 minutes. Then keep it aside for sometime to let it cool. After it cools, take a sip of it and keep it in mouth for sometime and later on you may just spit it or remove it from your mouth or instead, you may drink it also. Do this process for some days and then you will notice positive results.
- Vanilla extract - Vanilla extract is very concentrated and is very effective to kill the tooth ache. You just have to apply 2-3 drops of it to your affected area or tooth with the help of cotton or your finger. Keep it for sometime in your mouth and then you can spit it. By repeating it for sometimes a day will surely help to reduce the pain. Vanilla extract contains alcohol, which helps it to reduce the tooth pain. This doesn't mean you should start drinking alcohol (☺️☺️☺️), just kidding. Just follow the rules.
- Some people start brushing more then twice a day in order to prevent toothache, which is wrong. This in turn will increase the pain in your teeth and also start some gum problems. So don't overdo anything, including extra brushing.
- Cavities are some problems which can't be ignored. If you have one, then you must visit your dentist in order to resolve the problem and prevent other teeth from getting damaged. Cavities are also result of toothache and must be cured before it gets worsened.
- Lower your intake of sweet food, because these are the main source to damage your teeth and cause toothache. You must avoid sweet food while having toothache, because this can increase your pain.
- Excessive intake of soda is also damaging to our teeth. So you must reduce the intake of foods containing soda.
So, are you going to follow these rules ?
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