- One of the possible cause of yellow teeth is thin enamel. Thin enamel is in turn caused by certain illness and medications. Sometimes, acid present in our foods and drinks can also erode enamel. The drinks containing carbon or carbonated drinks are the main cause of yellowing of teeth nowadays.
- Many of our daily habits conspire to turn our teeth from white to yellow. The foods we consume, beverages we drink, smoking and aging, are some of the causes of yellow teeth. These all contribute to the yellowing of our teeth.
- It is true that plaque buildup can increase the yellow tones in the teeth, but having yellow teeth cannot be considered as unhealthy teeth. Actually the teeth colour is naturally yellowish. They are not purely white. Sometimes, yellowing of teeth due to foods is also not unhealthy, but can cause plaque buildup or cavities if not properly washed.
- Nowadays, yellow teeth are the big cause of embarrassment. This is the main reason people try to avoid parties and weddings. But avoiding people due to yellow teeth is not a good solution. Instead you can try some awesome tricks or ideas to make your teeth whiter again. It is possible to go from yellow to white teeth. The time required for this is depended on the method or solution you use.
- This article is nothing but tips and remedies, which will help you to overcome your yellow teeth problem. Stay tuned to this article to get best ideas or solution concerning your problem. Following are the 8 best home remedies and totally natural ways to get the best result and whiter teeth.
8 Natural Ways To Whiten Your Teeth At Home
1) Turmeric -
- Turmeric is considered as the best solution to get rid yellow teeth. The use of turmeric is also easy and the product is easily available at our home.
- Take one teaspoon turmeric and mix 2-3 drops of water in it. Make a thick paste. You can apply it on your teeth with the help of cotton or your tooth brush. Keep brushing for 2-3 minutes continuously. Your teeth will turn yellow in colour for sometime. But you can gargle with water to remove yellow stains instantly.
- This is considered as the best technique to get whiter teeth at home. By doing this practice regularly you will notice the change in your teeth colour. Your teeth will turn from yellow to white in colour. Dentist also suggest this technique to use at home and this also helps to get strong gums.
2) Orange peel -
- Orange is highly rich in acid, mainly citric acid. Acid is basically used as a stain remover. So people also use white side of orange peel as a teeth cleaner.
- You just have to take some orange peels and collect all white side of it. Then apply it or rub your teeth with it for 4-5 minutes. Your teeth will turn yellow to white instantly. This also helps to remove bacteria of mouth and helps to overcome foul odour produced by them.
- But I suggest you to avoid this idea or remedy if possible. Because the acid present in the orange peel is highly harmful to our teeth enamel. Long term use of this technique will result in the various dental conditions or sensitivity. So avoid this remedy, instead you can try all the remaining remedies.
3) Banana -
- Banana is widely used to get white teeth. A banana is rich in magnesium, potassium and manganese. These are the elements which are very helpful in removing plaque or other dirt from the teeth.
- The use is also easy. Just take a banana. Remove its peel and rub the inside of the peel to your teeth for at least 2-5 minutes. Repeat this process daily for 3-4 weeks. This will turn your yellow teeth to white teeth.
- This type of rubbing, for 3-4 weeks, makes a layer on the teeth surface. Which helps to remove dirt accumulation around teeth area. But this is not helpful in deep teeth cleaning. Instead you can eat one banana daily. This also helps to maintain high immunity and also helps to loose weight.
4) Salt-oil mixture -
- Salt is rich in sodium. Along with calcium and magnesium, sodium is also helpful to remove dirt and debris layer (which results in yellow teeth) from teeth. Oil helps to remove and loosen the sticky debris from teeth.
- The use is also easy. Take some drops of olive oil and some salt (1-2 teaspoon). Mix them well. Apply the mixture on your teeth and rub for 2-3 minutes. Your teeth will turn white instantly. This is the most easy and efficient way to get white teeth back.
- Use of salt also helps to kill bacteria and remove debris. Oil massage will help gums to be strong. So salt-oil mixture is helpful in many ways. This will be very helpful for you to get white teeth back.
5) Baking Soda -
- Baking soda is a safe way to remove surface level stains. Baking soda can be used to whiten our teeth. It is the substance which can remove the yellow plaque attached to the teeth surface, which can't be removed easily.
- The use of baking soda is very easy. Mix about a table spoon of baking soda with about a table spoon of water in a small bowl. It means equal parts of both the contents. It will become a thick paste. You just have to apply this paste to your teeth surface with the help of your fingers or toothbrush. Another method include mixing of the baking soda with your toothpaste while brushing. This will also be helpful to remove plaque or dirt from your yellow teeth.
- But you should use baking soda with caution to avoid damaging your tooth enamel. By the way, this is also the most easy and efficient way to whiten your yellow teeth at home.
6) Neem -
- Neem, from ancient time, is used to take care of teeth. Neem is having anti-bacterial properties. This also helps to improve gum strength and also protects our teeth from bacteria and cavities. This is also used to cure the yellow teeth problem. This will help you to get back the clean and white teeth.
- You are supposed to chew the end of a neem stick up to one inch. You have to chew until the twig shreds into bristles. You can now use the twig to rub along your teeth like a toothbrush. This is very important to remove yellow colour from your teeth and turn them into white.
- To avoid direct use of neem tree leaves or bark, you can switch your toothpaste to neem toothpaste. This will also have a great impact on your mouth freshness and cleanliness.
7) Lemon juice+salt+turmeric mixture -
- Lemons contain a good amount of vitamin C and soluble fibers, which are having a number of health benefits. The acid present in it is very useful to kill bacteria and reduce mouth odour. I t also helps to clean and whiten the yellow teeth.
- The use is very easy. You have to mix lemon juice with salt and turmeric. Make thick paste from it. Take some of the prepared paste and apply it to your teeth with the help of toothbrush or your finger. Rub for 2-3 minutes. Lemon helps to reduce stain on teeth and salt copes with the problem of discoloration.
- We have to do this procedure only once or twice. Because the lemon juice is having very low pH (2.4). This can harm the calcium layer and enamel of our teeth. So, you can try above mentioned procedures, instead of this.
8) Apple cider vinegar -
- Apple cider vinegar is also used to whiten the yellow teeth. But this is used in very small amounts or with water. As a bleaching agent, it helps to maintain mouth pH and also helps teeth to shine. In excess amounts this can also result in the damage of tooth enamel.
- This is used widely. Mix half spoonful of vinegar with a cup of water. You have rub your teeth with this mixture everyday before bedtime with the help of the toothbrush. After using this, do not forget to brush your teeth with usual paste.
- But you should consult your doctor before using apple cider vinegar to whiten your yellow teeth.
Very informative
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