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Dark circles or black circles are nothing but the black coloured patches, which can be seen under eyes easily. These are very bright in some cases and are also light. These are treatable with the help of some medications or home remedies. But, home remedies are preferred the most, for instant and good effect.  

Usually, cosmetics and beauty products are used to cure and reduce dark or black circles. But, this is wrong. The main factor, behind these circles, is mainly hidden in these beauty products. The chemicals, rich in these beauty products and creams, are the main cause behind the dark circles under the eyes. That’s why the home remedies are preferred the most to cure these dark circles under eyes.  

Remedies For Dark Circles Under Eyes

These dark circles are not limited to women, but also affecting men and causing main problem to them. The dark circles under eyes are mainly caused due the stress, less water consumption, hormonal imbalance, random lifestyle, genetic problem. In this article we are going to discuss about some home remedies that are useful to reduce dark circles under eyes.

Remedies For Black Circles Under Eyes

1) Tomato and Lemon Mixture - Tomatoes not only reduce the skin problems, such as dark circles under eyes, but also makes skin glowing and soft. Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and vitamins which makes skin resistant to pimples and lemon also reduces the bacteria present on face. Citrus acid present in lemon is also responsible for killing harmful bacteria and germs, also clears pores on face. The use of this is also easy. Just mix teaspoon juice of both the ingredients and apply the mixture on the dark circles or under the eyes. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes, then just wash it off. Do it for some days, twice a day. Dark spots and dark circles under eyes will start to disappear.

2) Potato Juice – Potatoes are also used by people to reduce dark circles under eyes. These are rich in starch and also help to drain the excessive oil from face and pores present on face skin. Grate some potatoes and drain juice from them. Take a cotton ball and use it to apply the juice on skin and under the eyes on dark circles. It will be very beneficial if you keep the cotton on the affected area for some time. Keep in mind that you must apply the juice all over the dark area under eyes. Do it once a day and you will start to see results in a week.

3) Cold Milk – Cold milk is considered as the best remedy for any acute disease human kind can have. Cold milk is not only used for external use but is also used as a remedy for internal problems or diseases, such as, acidity. The continuous consumption and use of cold milk cures dark circles and also improves and enhances our eyesight. Just dip cotton in a bowl filled with cold milk and apply it or place it on your dark circle under the eyes. You must cover the entire area affected with dark circles. Leave the cotton for about 10 to 20 minutes and then wash it off. You will start to see results within a week, after repeating it twice a day.

4) Orange Juice – Oranges are one of the most widely used home remedy for skin related problems, such as dark circles under eyes. If you are having dark circles, oranges cam help. You have to mix few drops of glycerin in the orange juice and apply this mixture on the top of the affected area (dark circles in this case), with the help of cotton or by fingertip. This mixture will help you in many ways. This doesn’t only helps to reduce dark circles but also makes your skin pores clear, this will help you to get rid of pimples too.

5) Almond Oil – Almond oil is one of the most used ingredient in cosmetics industry. Almonds are rich in vitamin E. Its oil is very effective against the skin problems and makes it very soft. Almond products are easily available in market nowadays. Its use is also easy. Take few drops of almond oil on cotton or on your finger tip and apply it on all over the dark circles. Massage it if necessary. Leave it as it is. When you wake up in the morning, wash your eyes with warm water. You will notice its effect within a week or two.

6) Rose Water – When it comes to skin care, rose water is unmatched. You can use it to cleanse skin and refresh yourself as well as remove dark circles under your eyes. Just soak cotton ball in rose water and place it on dark circles for at least 15 minutes and then wash it with the help of cold water. Processing it continuously for a month will have an effect.  

7) Cucumber Slices – We have seen a lot of times the use of cucumbers on eyes to reduce dark circles. Cold compress is a type of modern therapy in which slices of cucumber are placed above the eyes and are left their for some time to reduce the skin problems like dark circles under the eyes. Cucumber is directly related to eye health. Just don’t forget to place cucumbers in fridge for half an hour. You will feel fresh and in a few days the dark circles will also start to decrease.

Some of these remedies will also help you to get rid of the dark circles under the eyes. Also these products are easily available at your home. Don’t forget to tell your experience in comments section.

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